Doujinshi | Nakadashi | Manga | English | Japanese | Chinese | Full Color

#49981 - They had attracted the favorable and predatory attention of his potential employer, who had hired him to begin with and then, after the economic catastrophe, had made behind-the-scenes arrangements with the newly incorporated slave dealership and with the auctioneer, and had easily and economically purchased the recently unemployed, then hopelessly indebted, criminalized, then sentenced and enslaved Jeff in a carefully scheduled apparent lull in the bidding. He had been, as was hinted above, as it were pre-selected for early and swift legal and mercantile processing, and the period between his being led from his cell to the marketplace, his immediately subsequent stripping and brief exposure on the block, his auctioning and sale, his branding, piercing and being tagged with his license number, and his being delivered in chains to his welcoming new owner and his growing ‘family’ was mercifully brief. How had young Jeff come to this pretty pass, become the reddening, sweat-glistening

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Tsubomi hanasaki
Omg lmfao how old is she
Who is she