Doujinshi | Nakadashi | Manga | English | Japanese | Chinese | Full Color

#120702 - She struggled hard for a brief time, her protests slowing down gradually as she realized my superior strength, and finally stopped fighting. Somewhere in the distance I heard her calling me “Raaja, Raajaaa, Raaajaaaaaaaa, Come da, still deep into me, come on da; yes yes like that, OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, go go go go gooooooo deep into me, deeeeeeeeeep, aaaaaaaaaaah yes, yes, aaaaaaaaaaaaa go go I want you still deeeeeeeeeeep, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah”. She looked up at me and said in a very low voice “There is a bathroom in the hall; please change your dress and also take a bath.

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