#376509 - I am not fit. Of sacrifice. I will not go this Satanic clout That infuriates me” Oops That we live And I start laughing majestically I am of peace And just want to fit in Excuse the cigarette And I won’t even know you You know… I am witchdoctor To clean the pain of the mind We will not go We will not go to war And make money for you as you always once… Was S o to trib e we will find And believe in any contrite So the weapons we will not know! W e a re of peace And you may enjoy the fury Of us coming down and annihilating you all I will not… commit suicide Though you have prevented it Every little step that I take Towards some new… Thing Peace Let me have peace And smoke my cigarette There is a long Indian in me That does not… want to forgive you And after the peace We will make war on you! Because it is the only thing that you fear You usher in your greatness It is a pea In the face of the Gods You do not know
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