Comic party (40)
Magical emi (40)
Doraemon (40)
Puella magi madoka magica side story magia record (40)
Gotoubun no hanayome (40)
Chobits (39)
Rival schools (39)
Kekkai sensen (38)
Fushigi no umi no nadia (38)
Highschool of the dead (38)
Ikkitousen (38)
Akazukin cha cha (38)
Kizuato (38)
Summon night (38)
Mobile suit gundam (38)
Full metal panic (37)
Mai-hime (37)
Kochikame (37)
Bokutachi wa benkyou ga dekinai (37)
Gundam zz (37)
Nier automata (37)
Its not my fault that im not popular (37)
Ssss.gridman (37)
Dragon quest viii (37)
Xenosaga (37)
Onegai my melody (36)
Fire emblem three houses (36)
Revolutionary girl utena (36)
Chousoku henkei gyrozetter (36)
Tales of vesperia (36)
Tekken (35)
Ichigo mashimaro (35)
Tokyo ghoul (35)
Xenogears (35)
Star twinkle precure (35)
Boruto (35)
Detective conan | meitantei conan (35)
Mob psycho 100 (35)
Tales of xillia (35)
Mahou shoujo lyrical nanoha | magical girl lyrical nanoha (35)
Koutetsujou no kabaneri (34)
Highschool dxd (34)
Final fantasy xiv (34)
Ace attorney (34)
Rurouni kenshin (34)
Dragons crown (33)
Oshiete galko-chan (33)
Final fantasy tactics (33)
Final fantasy x (33)
K (33)
Angel beats (33)
Historys strongest disciple kenichi (33)
Kodomo no jikan (33)
Fire emblem awakening (33)
Overlord (33)
Disgaea (33)
Hoozuki no reitetsu (32)
Gaogaigar (32)
Hentai ouji to warawanai neko (32)
Hibike euphonium (32)
Hacka doll (32)
Lotte no omocha (32)
Gundam wing (32)
Creamy mami (31)
Metroid (31)
Dragon ball super (31)
Cutey honey (31)
New game (31)
Jujutsu kaisen (31)
Toradora (31)
Kimikiss (30)
Read or die (30)
Nanatsu no taizai (30)
Is (30)
Sengoku basara (30)
Panty and stocking with garterbelt (30)
Air (30)
Alice in wonderland (30)
Mahouka koukou no rettousei (30)
Kimi no na wa. (30)
Toaru kagaku no railgun | a certain scientific railgun (29)
Mai-otome (29)
Little busters (29)
Inu x boku ss (29)
Kimetsu no yaiba (29)
Black cat (29)
Gochuumon wa usagi desu ka | is the order a rabbit (29)
Fun fun pharmacy (29)
Fatal fury (29)
Accel world (29)
Harry potter (29)
Darling in the franxx (29)
Sayonara zetsubou sensei (29)
Busou renkin (29)
Fire emblem (29)
Onegai twins (29)
Sora no otoshimono (28)
Youre under arrest (28)
Di gi charat (28)
Sentimental graffiti (28)
Bakuman (28)
Koihime musou (28)
Date a live (28)
Final fight (28)
Yu-gi-oh 5ds (28)
Seishun buta yarou wa bunny girl senpai no yume o minai (27)
Puzzle and dragons (27)
Inazuma eleven go (27)
Super black jack (27)
Idolish7 (27)
Minami-ke (27)
Utawarerumono itsuwari no kamen (27)
Eureka 7 (27)
Watashi ni tenshi ga maiorita (27)
Saint seiya (27) (27)
Mega man legends (27)
Ar tonelico (26)
Valkyria chronicles (26)
Final fantasy xv (26)